Go From a Job to Hate to a Life You Love

Professional Development Expert, Author, Speaker & Recovering CPA.


I’m a partner at PeopleWorks International in Dallas, TX, where I head our leadership development practice. Alongside this role, I co-authored "The Edge: How to Stand Out by Showing You’re All In" and co-host the "How to Lead" podcast with my close friend, Clay Scroggins.

My passion? Transforming your relationship with work. Achieving work-life balance isn't about more time off or flexible schedules but rather fostering a healthier relationship with work itself. For me, if work isn't working, life won't either.

Married since 2003, I’m a proud father of two boys and a cherished dog. A Clemson University grad, I also hold a quirky "Ducktorate Degree" from Disney University (yes, it's real, but no, it's not a big deal). And let's not forget, I’m a recovering CPA, which fully explains why, other than playing golf, I generally prefer to be indoors.



  • How to Go from a Job You Hate to a Life You Love

    For many people, the unhealthiest relationship in their life is not with a friend, spouse, family member, or significant other. For many, their least healthy relationship is their relationship with work.

    This message is like taking work to “couples therapy.” It challenges five commonly held beliefs about work and shows how the key to work / life balance is not more life, but rather a better relationship with work.

  • How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

    The workplace can be significantly impacted by challenging co-workers. When a colleague's behavior starts to drag down the team, it can turn a good job into a bad one or make a lousy job even worse. How do you address such situations without resorting to gossip or simply hoping for change?

    Work is too important to let it be ruined by a few challenging relationships. It's crucial to address these scenarios effectively. Dealing with difficult individuals is undoubtedly a challenge, but it's not insurmountable.

    This message outlines three critical tactics for managing those who are whiny, ungrateful, cynical, or apathetic. By implementing these approaches, you are taking control of the situation, and empowering yourself and your team.

Do you have a rising star on your team?

The Edge is My Latest Book

The Edge was written as a cheat sheet for an emerging leader's career. It contains a simple, four-part framework describing what senior leaders desire from their team.

If you have a talented team of young professionals but find it difficult to obtain the outcomes you desire, or to retain these employees, or If you have ever felt the slightest bit of frustration with the younger team members in your organization, then this resource is for you.

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Fill out the form or email adam[at]adamtarnow.com.